dnes bych sem chtěla napsat něco o filmu, který jsem právě dokoukala. Jmenuje se Vyměřený čas a je to vlastně takové science fiction. Ale rozhodně je to dobrý film. Přinutí vás to přemýšlet o tom, jak využíváte svůj čas. Jestli ho třeba jen tak nepromrháváte?
Hello everyone,
today I'd like to write here something obout movie, I watched few minutes ago. Its name is In time and it's kind of science fiction. But it's really good film and it makes me to think about how I use my time. Don't I waste it?
A protože byly Tescu slevy na všechny hry The sims 3, tak jsem si koupila i Život na univerzitě. Takže tady jsou nějaké první momentky z univerzity.
And because in Tesco had been discount for all The sims 3 games, I bought University life too. So I'm sharig with you a few pictures from first timeon university.
I'm trying to create small world for your sims. It isn't finished yet, but I have a few photos of it. I know, it isn'r anything great, but I like it. I've tryed to create world few times before, but I've never shared photos. This world I like more than my earlier "experiments", so, after I'll finish it, I'll share it with you.
So what do you think about the photos? I'd like any comments, even the negative ones.